LET US explore the world…
… together with your children in our preschools. We offer them helping hand to be able to do everything by themselves later.
It goes without saying:
*safe and welcoming lapful *with English natives
*success in following education
*a lot of sport activities (cycling, swimming, ice-skating, skiing)
*interesting and creative afternoon activities
Kryštof Preschool is not anonymous chain of institutions hiding behind an appealing image. Real people who love children are the heart of our preschool. The whole team from teacher to school management tries hard to assure maximal attention to each child every day (max 6 children/teacher). Success of our absolvents proves that we really have great mastered know-how for working with children. They pass CAE exam when they are only 15 years old. CAE is one level higher than already highly-valued FCE.
1. Foreign languages only with native speakers
We are proud of the fact that our preschool has a team of certified teachers from all around the world. Their all-day presence brings results in a very short time (so called effect of second language immersion).
2. Personal and friendly approach
Preschool Kryštof is not an anonymous chain of institutions hiding behind a nice image. The core of our preschool is created by real people who love children. The whole personnel, both teachers and management, try to pay maximum attention to each child (max. 6 children for one teacher).
3. Excellent success of graduates
The fact that we have very good know-how for work with children is proven by the success of our graduates. For them, it is not unusual that they pass a CAE exam at the age of 15. CAE Certificate is only one level higher than the so much recognized FCE.
„… Only children know what they are looking for“, Saint Anoine De Exupéry.
Come with them to our place to have a look, they will certainly find it. 😊